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Midtown Kollel - Study with Moses, Miamonidies and some guys from Brooklyn

For over 25 years, Chabad of Midtown has spearheaded Jewish scholarship, education and observance with its ongoing educational programs, seminars, classes and courses. In pursuit of Jewish education, pride and identity, thousands have participated in these programs at Chabad of Midtown’s center in the heart of the city at Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street.

The Midtown Kollel expands on these achievements with a program of advanced Torah scholarship, combined with an educational study program geared towards community participation.

Thirteen full time scholars-in-residence pursue a curriculum of advanced Talmudic studies, Jewish Law, Kabbalah and Chassidic philosophy. After the completion of a rigorous study program, the kollel members will proceed to positions of Rabbinic leadership and scholarship, leading and teaching in communities all over the world.

Advanced or beginner, if you would like to participate in our educational programs, or to arrange study with a kollel member, please contact us and we’ll be glad to set up a study program suited to your interests.

The Midtown Kollel is Headed By Rabbi Asher N. Webb.

Our Sages teach that the support of Torah study grants one an equal share of the blessings and Mitzvah merited through the Torah study. In this spirit, we invite you to dedicate Kollel Torah study in honor of family, friends and special occasions, or to memorialize loved ones.