Daily Minyan Schedule at Chabad of Midtown Manhattan
509 Fifth Ave - New York, NY

Shacharit Morning Service
Monday-Friday- 7:45am
Sundays - 8:30am
MLK Day - January 20 - 7:45am

Mincha Afternoon Service
Sunday-Thursday- 1:45pm 

Second Mincha Afternoon Service
Monday - Thursday- 4:15pm

Maariv Evening Service
Monday - Thursday- 4:30pm

To reserve the Umud for a Yahrtzeit or any other chiyuv, contact the office in advance.

Shabbat Minyan Schedule

Friday Night Service
Mincha- At sundown
Kabbalat Shabbat & Maariv - 6:30pm

Shabbat Morning Service
Shacharit- 10:00am
Torah Reading- 11:00am

Mincha Afternoon Service
One hour prior to conclusion of Shabbat

Maariv Evening Service
At the conclusion of Shabbat